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The latest from Adams County Democratic Committee



Pennsylvania is critical to a Democratic victory in the 2024 Presidential Election, which is predicted to be extremely close.


Fortunately, Democrats have a superior ground game. Join that ground game in Adams County and become a vital part of the 2024 Democratic Turn Out the Vote efforts.


The Adams County Democratic Committee (ACDC) will show you how. A Turn Out the Vote orientation will be held 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, at the ACDC headquarters, 24 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg.


Attend and discover the ways you can help elect more Democrats in 2024.


We Need You To:

  • Write Effective Letters to the Editor

  • Communicate with Legislators

  • Canvas Door-to-Door

  • Mail “Get Out the Vote” Postcards

  • Contact Friends, Family About Voting and Volunteering

  • Hand Out Flyers at the Polls

  • Distribute Signs and Banners

  • Help Staff the Headquarters


Learn more about all these efforts during the June 20 meeting. Bring a smart phone with you to download a voter contact app (optional) or to contact a friend or family member about volunteering (also optional).


A $10 donation is being asked of those participating. Light refreshments will be served. Call 717-337-5285 for more information.

Blue and White Voter Education Flyers (Facebook Post)_edited.jpg

Farnham runs for 13th District US Congressional Seat

A former school board member for Conewago Valley School District (CVSD), elected Adams County Democratic Committee member, stay-at-home parent, and member of Gettysburg Presbyterian Church, Beth Farnham has resided in Conewago Township for over 16 years with her husband, Rob, and their two children who attend CVSD schools.

Outlining priorities of Democracy, Reproductive Freedom, Gun Safety, Public Education, Universal Healthcare, and Immigration Reform in her campaign, Farnham states, “In a strong Democracy, our right to vote is sacred, we have agency over our own bodies, we use, store, and sell guns responsibly, our healthcare is covered, immigrants have clear paths to citizenship, and we have equal access to quality education. If these issues are important to you, I ask for your vote.” 


Using a framework of “Constitutional Values,” Farnham often compares and contrasts the phrases from the Preamble to current issues.


We The People of the United States - "Our government is all of us, and it is built from the bottom up, not the top down. As Biden stated, 'The middle class built America and the unions built the middle class.' To this I add that enslaved labor and the invisible labor of women also built the America."

In order to form a more perfect union - "It is correct to find common ground, not further polarize ourselves...unlike the members of the Freedom Caucus who stalled the everyday business of Congress last year from a normal flow of 200 bills passed to a paltry 27." 

Establish Justice - "We should hold those who commit crimes, including former presidents, accountable for their words and actions."

Ensure domestic tranquility - "We should never support insurrections, but assemble peacefully to air our grievances as the First Amendment grants us."

Provide for the common defense- "Our Democracy made us a world power and we can use that might to fight for Democracies in other countries like we did for our Allies in WWII. Today, we must help Ukraine fight against the authoritarian regime of Russia." 

Promote the general welfare - "It is correct to create legislation that improves our quality of life like the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (2021), the America Rescue Plan (2021), and the Inflation Reduction Act (2022)." 

Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity - "When we sell, use, and store guns responsibly, when we have agency over our own bodies including Reproductive Freedom like access to abortion, birth control, In Vitro Fertilization, and gender-affirming care, when we have Equal Rights, then we create the families we choose, who do not lose their lives to gun violence, and we thrive."


Critical of current Representative John Joyce’s co-sponsorship of the Life at Conception Act (2023) and his refusal to certify Pennsylvania’s valid electoral votes on January 7th, 2021, as well as his votes against the Women’s Health Protection Act (2021), the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, The America Rescue Plan, and the Inflation Reduction Act, Farnham describes him as an “election denier” who “votes against the needs of his constituency.”


Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional District unites Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, and Perry counties, as well as the western edge of Cumberland county and the northwest corner of Somerset County.

For more information, visit: 


Shroy runs to unseat Mastriano

Franklin County Democrat Cameron Shroy is running for PA Senate in the 33rd District representing Adams and Franklin Counties.


A lifelong resident of Franklin County, he is a career civics teacher, and is passionate about raising educational standards and making sure every Pennsylvanian child has a shot at a great life. 


The chair of the Franklin County Democratic Committee, he is dedicated to taking on the tough fights that we need to win in Harrisburg.  From raising the minimum wage to climate action to fully funding our local public schools, Cameron believes in progressive values and positive change.


Cameron has served as a local community and volunteer leader, including serving on the Greencastle Area Water Authority.  He has been a member of the Franklin County Democratic Committee since 2014, has represented the Democratic Party as a nominee for local office, and is ready to take on the tough challenges that lie ahead. 


For more information:

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